Courtney Moses
Justin Mitchell
Levi Mitchell
Nygel Jones
Jeremy Jones
Oosha Mitchell
Tre Crews
DeMarian Smith
Dwight Richards
Xavielle Brown
Kenny Mullen
Deuce Miller
Caleb Furst
Duece Miller
Middle School Developmental
League - Invitational
Starts in SEPTEMBER 2024
Boys League on Tuesdays
This league is not about playing more games. This league is designed to actually teach players how to efficiently play the game by improving each players fundamental skills, basketball IQ and focus on players learning the finer details that go untaught by many coaches. This is what makes players rise among their peers. Players will be drafted onto a team and will take part in training session practices. Uniforms will be provided. Top coaches will bring a wealth of knowledge to pass on to the players.
Games and Practice Sessions begin in September
To Register
Call or Text 765-506-1780
or email
to accept invitation and secure your spot.